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Introduction to Special Education

Transitioning to Adulthood

Transitioning to Adulthood

Transitioning to adulthood is a big step for students with special needs. It involves a change in routine, environment, and expectations. The process of transitioning begins when the student reaches the age of 14 and continues until the student graduates or reaches the age of 22. This process involves several steps that the student, the family, and the school need to take to ensure a successful transition.

Identifying Strengths, Interests, and Skills

One of the first steps in the transition process is to identify the student's strengths, interests, and skills. This information can be used to develop a transition plan that outlines the student's goals, objectives, and services. The plan should also include a list of community resources and agencies that can assist the student in achieving their goals.

Involving the Student, Family, and School

Another important step in the transition process is to involve the student, the family, and the school in the planning process. The student should be encouraged to participate in the development of their transition plan and to express their desires and goals for the future. The family should also be involved in the process and should be given information about their rights and responsibilities. The school should provide information about the available services and resources and the role of each agency in the transition process.

Developing a Plan

One of the key components of the transition process is to develop a plan for post-secondary education, employment, and independent living. The plan should include information about the student's interests and skills, the available education and training programs, and the job opportunities in the community. The plan should also address the student's living arrangements, transportation needs, and health care services.

Coordination and Support

Finally, the success of the transition process depends on the support and coordination of all the agencies and individuals involved. The school, the family, and the community agencies should work together to ensure that the student's transition is successful and that they are prepared to lead a fulfilling life as an adult.

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