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Introduction to Special Education

Assistive Technology and Accommodations

Assistive Technology and Accommodations

Assistive technology and accommodations are tools and strategies that are used to help students with disabilities participate in the classroom curriculum and environment. Assistive technology refers to any device or software that helps students with disabilities access information, communicate, or complete tasks. Examples of assistive technology include screen readers, speech-to-text software, and alternative keyboards. Accommodations are changes to the classroom environment or curriculum that make it easier for students with disabilities to learn. Examples of accommodations include extra time on tests, preferential seating, and modified assignments.

Both assistive technology and accommodations are essential for creating an inclusive learning environment. Assistive technology can help students with disabilities access the same information as their peers, while accommodations can help level the playing field and ensure that all students have the same opportunities to learn. It is important to note that these tools and strategies are not just for students with physical disabilities, but can also be useful for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and other conditions.

When implementing assistive technology and accommodations, it is important to consider each individual student's needs and abilities. Some students may benefit from one-on-one training, while others may be able to learn on their own. It is also important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and strategies being used and make adjustments as necessary. Ultimately, the goal is to create a learning environment where all students feel supported and able to succeed.

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