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Ancient Greece: Philosophy and Mythology

Socrates: The Art of Asking Questions

Socrates and the Socratic Method

Socrates is one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Greece. He is known for his method of questioning, which is called the Socratic method. The Socratic method involves asking a series of questions to help someone arrive at a deeper understanding of a concept.

Socrates believed that the key to wisdom was admitting that you do not know everything. He would often ask people questions about their beliefs, and then challenge those beliefs with further questions. Through this process of questioning, Socrates hoped to help people arrive at a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the world.

The Meno Dialogue

One of the most famous examples of Socrates' method is his conversation with a slave boy in Plato's dialogue, the Meno. In this dialogue, Socrates asks the slave boy a series of questions about geometry, eventually leading him to arrive at a correct answer, despite not having any formal education in the subject.

Socrates' method of questioning has had a lasting influence on Western philosophy. It is still used today in fields like education and psychotherapy to help people arrive at a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

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