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The Art of Negotiation

Closing the Deal and Following Up

Closing the Deal and Following Up

Closing the deal and following up is the final stage of the negotiation process, and it's crucial to get it right. After all the hard work you've put in to build a rapport, create value, and find common ground, you want to make sure that you can close the deal in a way that satisfies everyone involved. Here are some key points to consider.

Confirm Agreement

First, it's essential to confirm that you have reached a mutually acceptable agreement. This can be done by summarizing the key points of the negotiation, confirming the details, and getting the other party to agree to the terms. Once you have agreement, you can move on to closing the deal.

Be Clear and Concise

Second, when closing the deal, it's important to be clear and concise. Make sure that everyone involved understands the terms of the agreement and what is required of them. This can involve drawing up a contract or other legal document that outlines the terms in detail.

Follow Up

Third, don't forget to follow up after the negotiation is over. This can involve sending a thank-you note to the other party, or it may involve ongoing communication to ensure that everything is going smoothly. Following up shows that you value the relationship and are committed to making it work.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Finally, be prepared for the unexpected. Sometimes, even after you've reached an agreement, something may happen that requires renegotiation. This could be a change in circumstances, a new development in the market, or simply a misunderstanding. Be flexible and open to renegotiation if necessary, but also be clear about your own needs and priorities.

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Negotiating Across Cultures and Borders

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Negotiating in Teams and Collaborative Negotiation

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