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Brainstorming Techniques

Round Robin Brainstorming

Round Robin Brainstorming

Round Robin Brainstorming is a technique that is used to generate ideas in a group setting. It is a simple and effective method for ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to the discussion.


  1. Divide the group into smaller sub-groups of 5-7 people.
  2. Each sub-group should be given a specific problem or question to brainstorm.
  3. Each person in the sub-group will then take turns contributing an idea.
  4. Once everyone has had a turn, the next person will go, and so on. This process continues until everyone in the group has had a chance to contribute.


  • Ensures that everyone has an equal chance to contribute.
  • Helps to break up cliques or groups within a larger team.

Here's an example of how Round Robin Brainstorming might work in practice:

Problem: How can we increase sales?

Sub-group 1:

  • Person 1: Offer a discount
  • Person 2: Launch a new marketing campaign
  • Person 3: Partner with a complementary business
  • Person 4: Create a loyalty program

Sub-group 2:

  • Person 1: Offer free shipping
  • Person 2: Create a referral program
  • Person 3: Host a customer appreciation event
  • Person 4: Increase our social media presence

Once all sub-groups have completed their brainstorming, the ideas can be shared with the larger group and discussed further.

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