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The Concept of Mysticism

Contemporary Mysticism

Contemporary Mysticism

Contemporary mysticism refers to the current state of mysticism in the modern world, which is influenced by various factors, including globalization, technology, and scientific advancements. Today, mysticism is not only limited to religious practices but also extends to secular and non-traditional settings. This has led to the emergence of new forms of mysticism, such as New Age spirituality, neo-shamanism, and psychedelic mysticism.

Emphasis on Personal Experience and Individualism

One of the defining characteristics of contemporary mysticism is its emphasis on personal experience and individualism. Unlike traditional mysticism, which focuses on the attainment of union with the divine, contemporary mysticism is more concerned with self-discovery, personal growth, and transcendence. This has led to the development of various practices and techniques, such as meditation, breathwork, and entheogenic experiences, that are designed to facilitate mystical experiences.

Influence of Modern Science

Contemporary mysticism has also been influenced by the findings of modern science, particularly in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. Many mystics today believe that mystical experiences can be explained by brain activity and that they can be induced through various means, such as meditation and psychedelics. This has led to a growing interest in the study of mysticism and altered states of consciousness among scientists and researchers.

Common Themes and Experiences

Despite the diversity of contemporary mysticism, there are some common themes and experiences that are shared across different forms of mysticism. These include a sense of oneness or unity with the universe, a feeling of transcendence beyond the ego, and a sense of awe and wonder in the face of the mystery of existence.

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