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The Concept of Mysticism

Mysticism and Meditation

Meditation and Mysticism

Meditation is a practice that is central to most mystical traditions, and it is often used as a means of achieving mystical experiences. Meditation refers to a range of techniques that can be used to train the mind, cultivate concentration, and develop a state of deep relaxation. While there are many different forms of meditation, most involve focusing the mind on a specific object or thought, such as the breath or a mantra. The goal is to quiet the mind and enter into a state of heightened awareness or consciousness.

Mystical Meditation

In the context of mysticism, meditation is often used as a tool for achieving direct communion with the divine or experiencing mystical states of consciousness. Mystical meditation practices are often characterized by a focus on inner silence, stillness, and emptiness. One common form of mystical meditation is contemplative prayer, which involves repeating a sacred word or phrase to focus the mind and cultivate a state of openness to the divine. Another form of mystical meditation is the practice of mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, with the goal of achieving a state of heightened awareness and connection with the divine.

Physical Practices

Mystical meditation practices are often accompanied by physical practices such as yoga, fasting, or other forms of asceticism. These practices are aimed at purifying the body and mind and cultivating the necessary conditions for mystical experiences. While mystical meditation practices are found in many different religions, they often share a common goal of achieving union with the divine and experiencing a sense of oneness with all things.

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