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The Power of Customer Service

The Cost of Poor Customer Service

The Cost of Poor Customer Service

Poor customer service can have significant costs to a business. Not only can it result in lost revenue from dissatisfied customers who may not return, but it can also damage a company's reputation through negative word-of-mouth or online reviews. This can make it difficult to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Additionally, poor customer service can lead to increased customer complaints, which require time and resources to address. This can divert attention from other important business activities and ultimately reduce productivity.


One example of the cost of poor customer service is the case of Comcast, a cable and internet provider in the United States. In 2014, a customer recorded a call with a Comcast representative who was unhelpful and rude. The recording went viral, and Comcast's reputation suffered as a result. The company lost customers and faced increased scrutiny from regulators and the media. It has since made efforts to improve its customer service, but the incident serves as a cautionary tale of the potential cost of poor customer service.

Another example is the case of United Airlines. In 2017, a passenger was forcibly removed from a flight due to overbooking. The incident was captured on video and went viral, resulting in widespread outrage and negative publicity for the airline. United's stock price dropped, and it faced a boycott from some customers. The incident highlighted the importance of addressing customer complaints in a timely and respectful manner, as poor handling of the situation had significant costs for the company.

How to Avoid the Cost of Poor Customer Service

In order to avoid the cost of poor customer service, businesses should prioritize customer satisfaction and invest in training and resources to ensure that their employees are equipped to handle customer inquiries and complaints. By providing excellent customer service, businesses can not only retain customers but also attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth and online reviews.

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