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Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Sustaining Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Programs

Sustaining Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Programs

In order for experiential learning and service-learning programs to be impactful and successful, they must be sustained over time. This requires ongoing effort and attention to ensure that the program remains relevant, engaging, and effective.

Strong Partnerships

One key component of sustaining these programs is to establish strong partnerships with community organizations or other stakeholders. These partnerships can help to ensure that the program is meeting the needs of the community and that there is support for the program's continuation. It is important to establish clear roles and responsibilities for all partners and to maintain open lines of communication.

Funding Sources

Another important aspect of sustaining these programs is to seek out funding sources to support the program's continued operation. This may involve grant writing, seeking out donations from individuals or organizations, or seeking institutional support.

Regular Assessment

Finally, it is important to regularly assess the program's effectiveness and to make adjustments as necessary. This may involve collecting feedback from participants, tracking outcomes, or engaging in research to better understand the impact of the program.

Overall, sustaining experiential learning and service-learning programs requires ongoing effort and attention. By establishing strong partnerships, seeking out funding sources, and regularly assessing program effectiveness, these programs can have an enduring impact on both students and the communities they serve.

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