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Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Discover the benefits of experiential learning and service-learning, and how to create learning experiences that connect students with real-world challenges and opportunities for making a positive impact.

10 Units

Unit 1

Introduction to Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Unit 2

Theoretical Frameworks for Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Unit 3

Designing Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Activities

Unit 4

Assessing Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Outcomes

Unit 5

Engaging Community Partners in Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Unit 6

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment

Unit 7

Building Reflection into Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Unit 8

Integrating Experiential Learning and Service-Learning into the Curriculum

Unit 9

Fostering Student Leadership and Agency in Experiential Learning and Service-Learning

Unit 10

Sustaining Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Programs

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