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Fundamentals of Economics

Environmental Economics

Environmental Economics

Environmental economics is a subfield of economics that studies the relationship between economic activity and the environment. It is concerned with how economic policies can be designed to promote environmental sustainability while also promoting economic growth.


One of the key concepts in environmental economics is the idea of externalities. An externality is a cost or benefit imposed on a third party that is not involved in the economic transaction. For example, a factory might produce pollution that harms the health of nearby residents. This is a negative externality, as the cost of the pollution is not reflected in the price of the goods produced by the factory. Environmental economists study ways to internalize externalities, such as by imposing taxes on polluters or creating tradable permits for pollution.

Public Goods

Another important concept in environmental economics is the idea of a public good. A public good is a good or service that is non-excludable and non-rivalrous. This means that everyone can benefit from the good or service, and one person's use of the good or service does not diminish its availability to others. Examples of public goods include clean air and water, national defense, and basic research. Environmental economists study ways to ensure that public goods are provided efficiently, such as through government provision or market mechanisms.

Natural Resource Depletion

Environmental economics also deals with the issue of natural resource depletion. Natural resources such as oil, gas, and timber are finite, and their depletion can have negative economic and environmental consequences. Environmental economists study ways to manage natural resources sustainably, such as through the use of taxes, subsidies, or regulations.

Overall, environmental economics is a crucial field for promoting sustainable economic growth while protecting our natural environment.

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