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Introduction to Repeated Games in Game Theory

Applications of Repeated Games

Applications of Repeated Games

Repeated games have a wide range of applications in various fields such as economics, political science, and psychology. One of the most common applications of repeated games is in the study of oligopolies, where a small number of firms compete with each other in a market. In such cases, repeated interactions between these firms play a crucial role in determining their behavior and decision-making.

Study of Oligopolies

For instance, consider a market with two firms that produce similar goods. If each firm chooses to produce a large quantity, the market price will decrease, leading to lower profits for both firms. On the other hand, if both firms produce a small quantity, the market price will increase, leading to higher profits for both firms. The dilemma for each firm is whether to cooperate with the other firm and produce a small quantity or defect and produce a large quantity. In such cases, repeated games can provide a framework to study the behavior of these firms and identify the strategies that lead to a stable outcome.

Study of Social Norms and Cooperation

Another application of repeated games is in the study of social norms and cooperation. In many situations, individuals are faced with choices that affect not only their own outcomes but also the outcomes of others. For instance, consider a situation where two individuals are required to clean up a common area. If both individuals cooperate and clean up the area, they both benefit. However, if one individual defects and leaves the area unclean, the other individual incurs a cost. In such cases, repeated games can provide a framework to study the emergence and stability of social norms that promote cooperation.

Study of International Relations

Repeated games also have applications in the study of international relations, where repeated interactions between countries can impact their behavior and decision-making. For instance, consider a situation where two countries are involved in a dispute over a territory. If both countries choose to escalate the conflict, it may lead to a costly war. On the other hand, if both countries choose to negotiate and compromise, it may lead to a peaceful resolution. In such cases, repeated games can provide a framework to study the behavior of these countries and identify the strategies that lead to a peaceful resolution.

Overall, the applications of repeated games are diverse and widespread, and they provide a powerful framework to study the behavior of individuals and groups in various contexts.

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