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Mastering the 1:30h Half Marathon

Incorporating Interval Training and Speed Work

Interval training and speed work are essential components of any half marathon training plan. These types of workouts are designed to improve your running economy, increase your lactate threshold, and ultimately help you run faster. Interval training involves running a shorter distance at a faster pace, followed by a period of rest or slow running, and then repeating the process several times. Speed work, on the other hand, involves running at a pace that is faster than your race pace for shorter distances. Both types of workouts will help you improve your speed and endurance and make you a stronger runner overall.

To get started with interval training and speed work, it's important to first establish a solid base of endurance. This means gradually increasing your weekly mileage and building up your aerobic capacity. Once you have a solid base, you can begin to incorporate interval training and speed work into your training program.

Some popular interval workouts include:

  1. 400 meter repeats: Run 400 meters at a fast pace, followed by 200 meters of slow jogging or walking. Repeat this process 6-8 times.

  2. Fartlek training: This is a more unstructured form of interval training where you simply alternate between periods of fast running and slow jogging or walking.

When it comes to speed work, some popular workouts include:

  1. Tempo runs: These are runs at a pace that is slightly faster than your half marathon race pace. Aim to run for 20-30 minutes at this pace.

  2. Hill repeats: Find a hill and run up it at a fast pace, then jog back down to recover. Repeat this process 6-8 times.

It's important to remember that interval training and speed work can be intense, so it's important to listen to your body and not overdo it. Be sure to gradually increase the intensity and volume of these workouts as your fitness improves. Additionally, it's important to incorporate rest and recovery days in between these workouts to allow your body to recover and rebuild.

For further reading, some recommended resources include:

  • 80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster By Training Slower by Matt Fitzgerald
  • Faster Road Racing: 5K to Half Marathon by Pete Pfitzinger and Philip Latter
  • Daniels' Running Formula by Jack Daniels
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Building a Strong Base: Endurance and Aerobic Capacity

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Practicing Pacing and Race-Day Strategies

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