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Preventing Injuries When Running

Proper Warm-up Techniques

Proper Warm-up Techniques

Before you start your running routine, it’s essential to warm up your muscles and prepare them for the physical activity. Proper warm-up techniques can help prevent injury and enhance performance. Here are some essential tips for warming up before running:

  • Start with a light aerobic activity such as jogging or brisk walking to increase your heart rate and circulation.

  • Perform dynamic stretching exercises that mimic the movements of running, such as leg swings, high knees, and butt kicks.

  • Incorporate some plyometric exercises to activate your muscles and improve their elasticity. Examples include jumping jacks, squat jumps, and lunges.

  • Gradually increase the intensity of your warm-up to match the intensity of your running routine. For example, if you’re planning to run at a high intensity, your warm-up should also be more intense.

Remember, warming up should take at least 10-15 minutes to be effective. Skipping warm-up exercises can increase the risk of injury and reduce your performance. So, make sure you allocate enough time for warming up before hitting the tracks.

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