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The Role of Prophets and Messengers

Prophets and Messengers in Buddhism


Buddhism is a religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who is also known as the Buddha.

Role of Prophets and Messengers

The role of prophets and messengers in Buddhism is unique compared to other religions. In Buddhism, the Buddha is considered to be the ultimate teacher, or prophet, who has provided the path to enlightenment. The Buddha is not considered to be divine, but rather a human being who achieved a state of enlightenment through his own efforts.

Unlike other religions, there is no concept of a divine revelation or scripture in Buddhism. The Buddha's teachings, known as the Dharma, were passed down orally by his disciples and were later written down. The Dharma is considered to be a set of guidelines that can lead individuals to enlightenment.


In Buddhism, there are also bodhisattvas, who are considered to be enlightened beings who have postponed their own enlightenment to help others achieve enlightenment. They are not considered to be prophets in the traditional sense, but rather beings who have achieved a high level of spiritual development and are able to guide others on their path to enlightenment.

One example of a bodhisattva in Buddhism is Avalokitesvara, who is also known as Guanyin or Kannon. Avalokitesvara is considered to be the bodhisattva of compassion and is often depicted as having many arms, each holding a different tool or object. This represents his ability to help and guide individuals in many different ways. Another example is Manjushri, who is considered to be the bodhisattva of wisdom. Manjushri is often depicted as holding a sword, which represents his ability to cut through ignorance and delusion, and a book, which represents his knowledge and wisdom.

Overall, the role of prophets and messengers in Buddhism is unique compared to other religions. Rather than receiving divine revelations or guidance, individuals are encouraged to follow the path to enlightenment laid out by the Buddha and his teachings, and to seek guidance from bodhisattvas who have achieved a high level of spiritual development.

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