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Quality Classification in Champagne

Understanding the Quality Pyramid

The quality pyramid is a system used in the Champagne region to classify the quality of champagne. It is a hierarchical system that starts at the base with the "Champagne" appellation and moves up in quality to the top, which is the "Prestige" level.

At the base of the pyramid is the "Champagne" appellation, which is the most basic level of quality. This level accounts for the majority of champagne produced in the region. The grapes used to make Champagne at this level must come from the Champagne region and be made according to the traditional method.

The next level up the pyramid is the "Cru" level. This level is reserved for Champagnes made from grapes grown in a single village or vineyard. These Champagnes are considered to have more character and complexity than those at the base level.

Above the "Cru" level is the "Premier Cru" level. This level is reserved for Champagnes made from grapes grown in a select few villages that are considered to produce the highest quality grapes.

At the top of the pyramid is the "Prestige" level. This level is reserved for the most exceptional Champagnes, which are made from the highest quality grapes grown in the best vineyards. These Champagnes are often aged for a longer period of time and are considered to be the best of the best.

The quality pyramid is a useful tool for understanding the different levels of quality in Champagne. It can help consumers to choose a Champagne that suits their taste preferences and budget.

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