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The Science of Genetics

Introduction to Genetics


Genetics is the study of genes and heredity. Genes are the basic units of inheritance, responsible for passing traits from parents to offspring. These traits can include physical characteristics like eye color, as well as predispositions to certain diseases or conditions.


The study of genetics began with the work of Gregor Mendel in the 19th century. Mendel conducted experiments on pea plants and discovered that traits are inherited in a predictable pattern. He observed that some traits, such as flower color, are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are always expressed when present, while recessive traits are only expressed when two copies of the gene are present.


Today, the field of genetics has advanced significantly. Scientists have identified thousands of genes responsible for various traits and conditions. They have also developed tools such as DNA sequencing and gene editing that allow them to manipulate genes and study their effects.


In addition to understanding the role of genetics in inheritance and disease, genetics research has practical applications in medicine. For example, genetic testing can be used to diagnose or predict the likelihood of certain conditions. Gene therapy and gene editing hold promise for treating genetic diseases and disorders.

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