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Natural Family Planning with Sensiplan

Troubleshooting Common Issues with NFP

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning can be a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy when done correctly. However, there are certain issues that may arise when using this method.

Identifying the Fertile Window

One common issue is difficulty in identifying the fertile window. This can happen if the woman's menstrual cycle is irregular, or if there are factors that affect her basal body temperature or cervical mucus production. In such cases, it is important to work with a Sensiplan instructor to identify the fertile window and learn how to track it accurately.

Interpreting Fertility Signs

Another issue that can arise is difficulty in interpreting the fertility signs. For example, some women may find it difficult to distinguish between fertile and non-fertile cervical mucus. Again, working with an instructor can help to address this issue.

Communication with Your Partner

Another issue that can arise is difficulty in communicating with your partner about NFP. This can be particularly challenging if one partner is not fully on board with the method or if there are cultural or religious differences. It is important to have open and honest communication with your partner and to address any concerns or misunderstandings that may arise.

Backup Method

Finally, it is important to have a backup method in place in case of unexpected changes in your cycle or other factors that may affect the accuracy of NFP. This can include using a barrier method or abstaining from sex during the fertile window.

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