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The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media Etiquette

Avoiding Controversial Topics and Confrontations

Avoiding Controversial Topics and Confrontations

Social media can be a platform for expressing one's views and opinions, but it can also be a breeding ground for conflict and confrontation. As such, it is important to be mindful of the topics that are likely to cause controversy and to avoid them where possible.


One such topic is politics. Political discussions on social media can quickly become heated and divisive, and can lead to arguments and hurt feelings. Unless you are a political commentator or work in politics, it is generally best to avoid political discussions altogether.


Religion is another topic that can be controversial on social media. People hold deeply personal beliefs about religion, and discussions on this topic can quickly become emotional and divisive. Unless you are a religious leader or scholar, it is generally best to avoid discussing religion on social media.

Other Controversial Topics

Other controversial topics include race, gender, and sexuality. These topics are important for discussion and debate, but they can also be sensitive and divisive. If you do choose to discuss these topics, it is important to do so in a respectful and informed manner. Avoid making sweeping generalizations or assumptions about people based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Avoiding Confrontations

In addition to avoiding controversial topics, it is also important to avoid confrontations on social media. This can include responding to negative comments or engaging in arguments with others. While it can be tempting to defend yourself or your views, it is often best to simply ignore negative comments or to respond in a calm and respectful manner. Engaging in arguments on social media rarely leads to a positive outcome, and can often escalate into a full-blown conflict.

Overall, the key to avoiding controversy and confrontation on social media is to be mindful of the topics you discuss and the way in which you interact with others. By being respectful and avoiding sensitive topics, you can help create a positive and constructive social media environment.

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