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The Impact of Television on Society

Television and Advertising: How Commercials Shape Our Buying Habits

Television and advertising

Television and advertising are deeply intertwined, with commercials being a major source of revenue for television networks. But beyond simply funding programming, commercials can have a significant impact on our behavior and consumer habits. In this lesson, we will explore how commercials work to shape our buying habits, and the ways in which they have evolved over time.


One of the most powerful tools of advertising is repetition. Commercials are designed to be seen over and over again, with the hope that the message will sink in and become lodged in our brains.

Emotional appeals

Advertisers also use emotional appeals to create a connection with viewers. By appealing to our desires, fears, and aspirations, commercials can create a sense of need that drives us to buy.

Social proof

Another way in which commercials shape our buying habits is through the use of social proof. This is the idea that people are more likely to do something if they see others doing it. Commercials often use this tactic by showing happy, satisfied customers who are using the product being advertised. By creating the impression that everyone else is using the product, advertisers hope to convince viewers that they should too.


Finally, commercials can also shape our buying habits by creating a sense of urgency. Limited-time offers, special deals, and other time-sensitive promotions can create a sense of scarcity that motivates us to act quickly. Advertisers know that the longer we wait to make a purchase, the less likely we are to do it, so they work hard to create a sense of urgency that will drive us to buy now.

Rise of the internet and social media

With the rise of the internet and social media, the nature of advertising has changed dramatically. Today, advertisers can target specific audiences with precision, using data and algorithms to craft messages that are tailored to individual viewers. This has led to a proliferation of targeted ads that follow us wherever we go online, and that are specifically designed to appeal to our interests and desires. As a result, the impact of advertising on our buying habits is more powerful than ever before.

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Television and News: The Rise of 24-Hour News Cycle

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Television and Pop Culture: The Influence of TV on Movies, Music and Fashion

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