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Fundamentals of Economics

Aggregate Demand and Supply

Aggregate Demand and Supply

Aggregate demand and supply are two of the most fundamental concepts in macroeconomics. Aggregate demand is the total demand for goods and services in an economy at a given price level and time period. Aggregate supply, on the other hand, is the total supply of goods and services in an economy at a given price level and time period.

Aggregate Demand

In macroeconomics, the aggregate demand curve represents the total demand for goods and services in an economy at different price levels. It is downward sloping, which means that as the price level increases, the quantity demanded decreases. This is because as prices rise, people can afford to buy less, so the quantity demanded goes down. The aggregate demand curve is made up of four components:

  • Consumption
  • Investment
  • Government spending
  • Net exports

Aggregate Supply

Aggregate supply, on the other hand, represents the total supply of goods and services in an economy at different price levels. It is typically upward sloping in the short run, which means that as the price level increases, the quantity supplied also increases. This is because producers can earn higher profits by selling more goods and services at higher prices. In the long run, however, aggregate supply is typically vertical, which means that it is not affected by changes in the price level. This is because in the long run, prices and wages are flexible, so producers can adjust their output levels to meet changes in demand without affecting the price level.

Equilibrium Price and Output Level

One important concept in macroeconomics is the equilibrium price level and output level. This occurs where the aggregate demand curve intersects the aggregate supply curve. At this point, the quantity of goods and services demanded equals the quantity of goods and services supplied, resulting in a stable price level and output level. If the aggregate demand curve shifts to the right, it will result in an increase in both the price level and output level. If the aggregate demand curve shifts to the left, it will result in a decrease in both the price level and output level.


Suppose the government implements a tax cut, which increases disposable income for households. This leads to an increase in consumption, which shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right. As a result, the equilibrium price level and output level both increase.

In summary, aggregate demand and supply are two fundamental concepts in macroeconomics that help explain how the overall economy functions. Understanding these concepts is crucial for policymakers who want to manage economic growth, inflation, and unemployment.

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