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Mastering the 1:30h Half Marathon

Race Day: Putting It All Together

On race day, all of your training and preparation comes together. Proper planning and execution can make a big difference in achieving your goal of running a 1:30h half marathon. Here are some tips to help you put it all together on race day:

1. Arrive Early Make sure you arrive at the race venue with plenty of time to spare. This will give you time to warm up, stretch, use the restroom, and get mentally prepared.

2. Stick to Your Plan During the race, stick to your pacing plan. Don't get caught up in the excitement and start too fast, as this can lead to burnout later on. Trust in the training you've done and stay focused on your goal.

3. Fuel and Hydrate Properly Make sure you eat a light, easily digestible meal a few hours before the race. During the race, drink water or sports drinks at every aid station and consider taking energy gels or chews if needed.

4. Use Mental Strategies During the race, use mental strategies to stay focused and motivated. Break the race up into smaller segments and focus on one at a time. Or, focus on running with good form and breathing rhythmically.

5. Finish Strong As you approach the finish line, pick up the pace and finish strong. Give it your all and cross the finish line with a smile on your face. Congratulations, you've just run a 1:30h half marathon!

For further reading on race day strategies, check out the book 'The Runner's World Big Book of Marathon and Half-Marathon Training' by Bart Yasso and Amby Burfoot.

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