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The Science of Nutrition

Carbohydrates and Fiber

Carbohydrates and Fiber

Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients that we get from our diet. They are the main source of energy for our body, especially for the brain and our muscles. Carbohydrates can be divided into two categories: simple and complex carbohydrates.

  • Simple carbohydrates are made up of one or two sugar molecules and are quickly broken down by the body to produce energy. These are found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

  • Complex carbohydrates, also known as starches, are made up of many sugar molecules and take longer to break down. These are found in foods such as grains, bread, pasta, and potatoes.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our body cannot digest. Although it is not a source of energy, it plays an important role in maintaining our digestive health. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

  • Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in our intestines. It can help lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels. Foods that are high in soluble fiber include oatmeal, beans, and fruits such as apples and oranges.

  • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and adds bulk to our stools, helping to prevent constipation. Foods that are high in insoluble fiber include whole wheat bread, brown rice, and vegetables such as broccoli and carrots.

Overall, carbohydrates and fiber are important components of a healthy diet. It is recommended that adults get 45-65% of their daily calories from carbohydrates and consume at least 25 grams of fiber each day.

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